Reviews by Readers

Against the Odds, Reviews by Readers

Mike Forler: “A fascinating journey of one man’s rise and fall and rise again.
The author has laid it all on the line in this book with extraordinary courage and humility, giving us an in-depth look at some of the enduring struggles of life emotionally, physically and spiritually.
It moves one enough to think about their own personal fears, failures and successes and where they are now.”

Kaye Rempel: “The book, Against the odds, is a gift to humanity. It chronicles the dramatic decline in fortunes of a successful businessman, portrays with absolute honesty his utter depths of despair, and then takes the reader on his journey to a new career and new identity. It’s an incredible story of determination and strength of will in the face of loss, depression, and grief. There are points of humour. Dare one laugh at the very funny story of working for the funeral home? The book is understandable and beautifully spare, inviting the reader to reflect along the way about his/her own life.

Bill starts from a high point in life as a very wealthy person and ends on a high point as a trained mediator, grief specialist, and author. Many people who also find themselves in circumstances of loss, depression, and grief, may find the story of comeback somewhat daunting. Many will not have started at such a high point or worked their way to such a positive conclusion. Inspiration or aspiration? In particular, the reflections at the end of each episode could be helpful by providing a way for individuals who are in the depths of despair to reflect on their own life no matter what the starting point.”

David : “I found your book in my mailbox late this afternoon and have spent a most enjoyable few hours reading it through in its entirety.
What a feat you’ve achieved in writing this!  Thank you so much for putting into the narrative for me and many others the twists and turns of your odyssey from despair to hope, for rendering in words the anguish of your losses and your gradual journey into a new sense of purpose, for sharing your insights into grief and self-discovery, and your encounter with Mystery.”

Ralph Brubacher (not related): “I’m finding your book very compelling and intense.”

Rev. Ron Rempel:What a journey! What an accomplishment to get it written! The book adds depth and substance to so many of the things you shared over the years. The book helps me understand more fully how your passion for grief and bereavement work is grounded in your own intense experience of “unrequited grief”.”

Rev. David Knight: ”Just love your metaphors – they give grace and hope to what seems a hopeless situation giving the reader the desire to read on.”
A very inspiring account of your life story.
‘Everyone has a story and most feel they have been defeated with no hope. You have shown that there is hope!
“Thank you for letting me see a part of your soul! I truly feel privileged to know you from reading your book!”

Joe Macerollo: “You have pursued an amazing path of the tenacity of spirit with honesty and thereby gained the right experience that will serve as your voice as a certified Mediator/Coach.”
You personal journey is exemplary. It is a riveting read to the very end!

Harry Froklage: “Your book is certainly a unique testimonial!

Julie Laderoute: “The great impact your book will have on many is amazing!”

Sam Sorbara: “Your book was a compelling read and interestingly formatted, almost as a self-help book.”
“I knew I would find the book intriguing but the book transcended that and you are to be lauded in that regard.”
“ In these overwhelmingly difficult times, I’m sure that many people would find it comforting and reassuring.

Alexandra Whate:I am blown away! I read your book in two sittings and could not put it down. I was surprised at first by the layout – divided into episodes and parts but soon came to discover that using that layout was such a perfect way to tell your story and to capture the intense feelings of each scenario What an absolute whirlwind – while I was pretty sure it was going to end well, I was continuously surprised by the sometimes heaping ‘grief and loss’ that you endured. I had tears in my eyes that the “Hallmark family’ and ‘older brother/ scene unfolded (the way you set it up led me to believe this might be a nice turning point for you – and what a very horrifying twist!).

The whole story is such a paradox between the disgraceful, self-serving people who take advantage, causing me to feel so distraught about the state of humanity, versus the strength courage, and ultimately beautiful restoration that you are now offering the world through your mediation/coaching – Faith in humanity restored!
Your writing is absolutely beautiful – at times more like poetry!

Dr. Bill Bryant: “Quite the story and it’s intriguingly told, in that uniquely episodic manner that you’ve chosen, with quotes for reflection.
Never seen anything like it!

Mary Lou Di Paolo: “Hearty congratulations on the publication of your book!”

Mike Biden: “Just finished reading your book! A masterpiece! Loved your poem about the kite and still flying high!”

Cheryl Lee: “I was really engaged in your book, “Against the Odds”! In fact, I read it in one go!
‘The author takes us along through his grief and depression to a triumphant and hopeful future to help others! Surely this book will open many eyes anew!

Marta Evans: “Anyone reading “Against the Odds” feels all of the emotions you went through and the pain of the unknown. We have all been there at some point in our lives, but to read it one can feel your pain. Thank you for sharing your story!”

Karen Enns:It’s so hard to believe that you went through all that pain, misery, and misfortune and you were strong enough to survive it and pick up a new career and move forward with it!”
“This amazing memoir of the author’s journey from success through total financial and personal ruin to the flip-side of the coin that brings him to a new career filled with success, satisfaction, and happiness is a ‘must read’ for all!
“I am delighted to have one of your books. I started reading it while I was eating my supper tonight and I got so “into” it, I don’t think I know what I was eating. I was absolutely “wowed” by all the valleys that you went through and came through them with such positivity.”

Deanna Waters: “I started reading your book on the way to Arizona and kept reading until 1 a.m. – then up at 6 a.m. to finish it! What a powerful testimony of business success, losing it all and then 10 years later coming back! I know your book will give hope to every reader!

Glenn Brubacher: “Your book is unique in design and presentation. I know from personal experience how hard it is to recover from terrible back luck but you did it with impressive intestinal fortitude. You took the good out of the bad and made better than the best of it!